Search Engine Optimization

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Search Engine Optimisation

Is a term typically concerned with any kind of work that influences any kind of search engine to do what it does best and hopefully in favour of the content being promoted. Most people mean optimising content for better visibility in Google, Yahoo or Bing when they employ SEO tactics. Consumers rely on search daily to find news and information. We understand the consumer search behaviour and preference (keywords). If content can be searched on, it can be optimised. This includes everything from press releases to video to Tweets. We believe in representing opportunities for media relations to influence discovery by making it easier for various types of search engines to find, index and rank content.

What We Do

Thought Bubble is a knowledgeable, creative and performance-oriented organisation specializing in brand communication. The company offers services ranging from public relations and marketing to event management. Thought Bubble identifies unique values within your company; we create a plan for reaching key decision makers, and implement tactics that ensure your message reaches target audiences. Regardless of your budget size, we can work with you to close the loop between marketing and sales. We implement everything we recommend and measure it whenever possible.